- #4 pics 1 word 5 letters hilltop stonehouse mist full
- #4 pics 1 word 5 letters hilltop stonehouse mist trial
- #4 pics 1 word 5 letters hilltop stonehouse mist license
2 Mixes Business, Fun Aginst bckdrop of entertinment nd informlity, the Gvin Report stff presented its second nnul Seminr For Medi Professionls t the Westin St. Her comments were met by loud ppluse from the brodcsters. "It's hrd for DJ to develop personlity tody when the most importnt thing he hs to sy is, "You've just herd to songs in row, "' she sid. Mndrell Pushes Personlity Fridy morning's keynote ddress ws delivered by Brbr Mndrell, who clled for return of personlity to Country rdio. CBS /Nshville chief Rick Blckburn told the group, however, tht once the money leves the lbel, it hs no control over how it's spent. Rdio people were shocked to her tht retilers receive d money from lbels to put product on their shelves. A hot topic ws rdio's being short- chnged on the record dvertising dollr, which flls 80/20 print /rdio. Yokm Blsts Sles Chrts During the ltter pnel, Dwight Yokm blsted the vlidity of trde chrts by pointing out one of his singles tht sold 80,000 copies - more thn double mny number ones' totl - brely went top 30. Two pnels spnning three hours covered issues concerning the CMA reserch project nd the reltionship of rdio nd the retil record industry. Country Music Assocition - sponsored pnel discussions begn on Thursdy. I feel it's KINGSTON /See Pge 8 k Country Rdio Brodcsters President Mike Getmn presents CRS keynoter Brbr Mndrell. Shnnon told R&R, "Steve nd I worked together s PD nd OM successfully t WPGC/ Wshington under extremely difficult conditions. Reporting to PD Scott Shnnon, he will tke over dyto-dy progrmming duties relinquished by Shdow Stevens two months go when he becme PD t B97 /New Orlens. Kingston New OM At Z100 Steve Kingston Steve Kingston, PD t Scripps -Howrd CHR WBSB (B104)/Bltimore for the pst three yers, hs become OM t Mlrite's WHTZ (Z100)/New York. The totl of 801 regis- Mndrell urges return of rdio personlity Rdio upset over print /rdio d budget splits MD: "Losing -bullet is like positive urine test" trnts who gthered in Nshville for the 18th nnul seminr ws just one short of lst yer's lltime high, despite going hed -to -hed with the Gvin convention.
#4 pics 1 word 5 letters hilltop stonehouse mist full
Signing multiyer del with H &G s Ntionl PD is longtime progrmmer Buzz 1 Buzz Bennett Bennett, shring equl duties with present VP /Progrm- H &G /See Pge 8 Full Houses For CRS, Gvin Seminrs CRS Covers Wide Topic Rnge The 1987 Country Rdio Seminr produced its usul mix of pnels designed to ddress Country rdio's wide - rnging chllenges nd problems.

Chris Heftel is supervising H &G's legl nd corporte ffirs. Jordn Ginsburg is Chirmn of H &G, H &W President Cecil Heftel becomes President /CEO, nd Sttewide President Scott Ginsburg is Exec. LEER( JH &G Estblishes New Executive Tier Bennett Ntionl PD Driscoll Remins VP As Sttewide Brodcsting nd H &W Communictions (Heftel Brodcsting) corn - plete their merger shortly, the compny will ssume the nme of H &G Communictions. Pge 3 URBAN STATIONS FIGHT NEGATIVE SELLING WGCIIChicgo's Mry Dyson nd WLUMIMilwukee's Tom Mierendorf explin how they combt sles competitors' ttcks on their udiences nd win ntionl business. Pge 12 PRINCE IN THE SPOTLIGHT AS WB SUES KITS KIISILos Angeles won't revel the source who leked the new Prince single, WB is prepring lwsuit ginst the sttion, while KITS clims the lbel is lredy retliting.

Pge 10 WADO DEAL EMERGES FROM THE SWAMP New buyer solves swmplnd crisis tht swllowed up previous $20 million del.
#4 pics 1 word 5 letters hilltop stonehouse mist license
Pge 26 BIG NEW BROADCAST BILLS INTRODUCED IN HOUSE One new bill would eliminte comprtive license renewls, nother would reimpose the three -yer trfficking rule on sttion trnsctions.
#4 pics 1 word 5 letters hilltop stonehouse mist trial
rin" ^ e I N S I D E: ISGRO TRIAL DATE SET September 17 is the dte, L.A.'s the venue for indie Joe Isgro's court showdown with record lbels nd the RIAA.